
Our Courses (Kindergarten - Year 6)

  • English Course

    This course covers all English topics, including all contents from the N.E.S.A syllabus. We aim to build a strong foundation of language skills for every student and develop progressive growth in every lesson. It includes reading comprehension, writing skills, expanding vocabulary, grammar and punctuation, and speaking skills.

  • Mathematics Course

    Our Mathematics Course caters to creating a solid foundation of numeracy and problem-solving skills. We cover the contents from the 'N.E.S.A' syllabus, but we also ensure that each student has developed a strong understanding of all contents while learning and mastering skills in every lesson.

  • Opportunity Class Course

    This course caters to students acquiring and understanding the Opportunity Class Placement Tests. It involves learning and implementing strategies and practicing mathematical reasoning, thinking skills, and reading questions.

  • Selective Test Course

    This course will accommodate students to develop a solid foundation on solving questions from the Selective Test and mastering the topics of Mathematical Reasoning, Thinking Skills, Writing, and Reading.